Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Wierdest Fish EVER?

Does anyone else have a fish that does tricks?
Abby's pet fish Goldie "Plays Dead".

The first time I saw it I thought it was dead and panicked because I didn't want Abby to see it dead. (She tends to dwell on the subject of death) So, I walk over and the little bugger flips over and starts swimming all over. I kept asking Justun about it and he thought it just might be in its last days, this was MONTHS ago. Well, Justun has finally seen it and now believes me and I caught it on camera. I have come to the decision we either A) have the wierdest fish ever or B) have the smartest fish ever, who's heard of a fish doing tricks? See for yourself.


The Smith Family said...

That's seriously almost creepy! I can't believe you got it on camera!

Karen, Mackay, Easton & Kallie said...

i say he is wierd...cause if he were smart he'd know doing that would get him flushed down the toilet! :) that is really funny though!

Cory, Jeri, Brock and Parker T. said...

I would have flushed him by now.

Doney Days said...

That is so funny! I think that's a pretty smart fish!

Deb-t said...

Hee hee, that is very funny! Our goldfish do nothing like that whatsoever. Boring!