Friday, September 4, 2009

March-August in a blink

Don't blink or you'll miss it!

31 Years Old (Justun too!)

12 pieces of candy BEFORE breakfast on Easter

1 Big Girl Bed for Haddie

1 Trip to Moab

1 Dance Recital = 2 Dances

12 Pretty Flowers for 1 Smart Honor Roll Girl

170 Days of Kindergarten with Mrs. Hansen COMPLETE

4Ever Young Love: Haddie has found her "Prince"

1 Trip to Lake Powell with GREAT Friends

1 Wakeboarding Kid

1 High Flyin' Board Grabbin' Husband

6 Years Old = 2 Missing Teeth (Bottom)

(1) 1st Day of 1st Grade-That's alot of 1sts

(1) 1st Day of Preschool

(1) 1st Day of Dance

9 Years married to this Stud (?)

And there you have it.....


Cory, Jeri, Brock and Parker T. said...

Lovin' this post! Who is your photographer, by the way?

Karen, Mackay, Easton & Kallie said...

your family is so darling! I hope i see you sometime soon! and we love our big ass mug! :) haha!

Deb-t said...

Hooray you're back! What a cute post, Bree. Lot's of things happening! Your girls are so pretty.

Mel & Annette said...

These are great pictures...sad; but you're right. We blinked and now summer is gone.