I don't love Valentine's Day, its extremely overrated and unnecessarily
expensive. Justun and I decided to bag dinner and gifts and just chill at
home with the kiddos. (OK I will be honest here, Justun and I have
never really gotten into the whole V-Day gift thing) He knows I LOVE
him everyday anyways! Who knows why? =)
We started off our typical Pancake Sunday with these babies:
Justun makes Wheat Pancakes from scratch every Sunday (YUMM-MEEE), this time he got a little fancy for the holiday. I also threw in the pink milk to round out the meal.
Family and friends then came over to exchange cards and treats. Our holidays strategy goes like this: if we wait long enough everyone will just come to us. It works out quite nicely. Anyhow, thanks for all of the treats we DIDN'T need! We LOVE you too!
Per Abby's request she wanted a "romantic dinner of Spaghetti and Meatballs like on Lady and the Tramp" and we were happy to oblige. Saved us some cash, some calories and fighting the crowds. We made Valentine's placemats for each of us, drank out of fancy glasses and ate by candlelight. Justun provided the show portion of our dinner with "Fire Tricks", wow he is so talented =) The girls chowed their dinner, no fighting over how many more bites before they could be done. It worked out much better than I had hoped.
Now they always want to eat by candlelight..... How romantic!